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Kentucky Discard

Play Kentucky Discard Online Kentucky Discard is the official tournament version of the card game Rook. Rook is a trick-taking game played with a specialized deck of cards. There are four players, each paired with a partner. There are 41 special cards numbered 5 thru 14. Cards are colored Black, Green, Red, and Yellow, and…

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Trash Card Game

Trash (aka garbage) is an easy but super fun two-player card game. Play trash against 10 fun AI opponents. 1. Ten cards are dealt to each player facedown 2. The first player draws a card from the deck 3. If Ace thru 10, place the card on the matching location 4. The facedown card underneath…

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Go Fish!

Get ready to “fish your wish” with this super fun multi-player Go Fish card game. Play with 2 to 5 players Play against computer opponents or invite your friends to play for real online Play for pairs or books (4 of a kind) Go fish for endless fun with this timeless card game…

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Oak Island Treasure Hunt

A challenging adventure game to lead a treasure hunt on Oak Island. Oak Island is a 140-acre island on the south shore of Nova Scotia, Canada. For hundreds of years, people have been searching for long-lost treasure believed to be hidden there. Many searchers have died trying to find the treasure, leading many to believe…

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A fun, realistic 3d outdoor deck shuffleboard game set in a beautiful tropical resort. Press down on disks and swipe up in the direction you want them to go. Swipe farther and faster to push with more power. Try to land in a scoring area or knock out your opponent.…

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Classic 3D TiddlyWinks game loosely based on tournament rules. You can play four players (you versus 3 computer opponents), two player (you versus one computer opponent) or just play free play in practice mode. To squidge a wink, click on your wink, hold down and slowly drag your finger to draw a launch vector. Let…

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President Card Game

Play the fun, fast-paced, Asshole card game against 12 unique computer characters, each with varying skill-levels and unique playing styles; choose to play against 2-5 characters at a time. The object of the game is to be the first to get rid of all of your cards. One to four cards of the same value…

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Play Pinochle Online Play Pinochle with 12 unique computer characters each with their own playing style and varying skill levels. Both single and double deck games supported with customizable playing options below: Number of Decks: Single|Double Sound Effects: On|Off Game Speed: Normal|Fast|Slow Undo Button: On|Off Must bid to win: On|Off Minimum Trick Points: 0|1|2 Minimum…

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Phozzle is a word and photo puzzle quiz game that demands strong word recognition skills, spelling and the ability to identify people, places and things visually. First you must try to decipher a hangman-type word puzzle consisting of blank spaces with a few letters filled in. Then you must match the puzzle with the correct…

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Palace was the most popular study hall / cafeteria card game in my high school growing up in the 90’s. According to Wikipedia it’s also popular amongst backpackers, and as a result is widespread. Play against real people online with multi-player support or eight different computer characters, each with slightly different playing styles. Updates: *…

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